martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


My name is Sandra .I am 11 years old. I´m from Spain.My hair is light brown.My eyes are blue.I am a little naugty bat very responsible, workigng and studying.I like to sing , dance, play ,schooland the instruments.I have 3 dogs,3 brothersand 1 sister.Mybrothers are tall,handsome and workers.I like animalsand computers.I dont like cockroaches..Ihate cheese.I love high school musical and dogs.

6 comentarios:

Pepa Asencio dijo...

You have some misspellings. Can you please write again?

Timi O. Mercado dijo...

Hi Sandra! Thanks for visiting my blog. I also have an 11-year old daughter. Her name is Dannah.

It's so nice to know that young as you are, you are already into blogging.

Terry dijo...

Hello Sandra!
Thank you so much for your little visit to my blog. That was very nice of you!
I spent most of the morning today making another post with lots of animals on it.
If you would like to see it just come right back!
If you have trouble with the English, little one, just go to the language tool on google.
That is what I did...Have a great day!... Love Teresa

Orjana dijo...

Hello Sandra,

Thanks for the comment, but I don't know what you wrote! Hope you are well anyway.


Belo dijo...

Olá Sandra

Muchas gracias por visitares meu blog.

Um bejito para ti


Maestromanolo dijo...

Enhorabuena Sandra, me gustaría vivir en otro lugar para aportar otra bandera a tu colección pero la realidad es que mi bandera ya la tienes.Pero yo quisiera otorgarte otra bandera que aunque no es mía del todo me gusta decir que yo la ondeo con orgullo y a su vez con mucha humildad, y por ello te invito a ti y a todos tus amigos del blog a sostenerla, a pasearla, a compartirla. ¿Qué cuál es...? Adivina, es blanca y aunque no tenga escudo le va muy bien una paloma sosteniendo un ramito de olivo. O, tal vez un letrero enorme con la palabra...

¿Qué palabra le pondrías tú sandra?